
Our story

Sootie Limetree began when seven-year-old Sootie (Gillian) moved from Scotland to England, which meant LOTS of long car journeys. Her Granny taught her to knit to keep her quiet - and she hasn’t stopped. She finally opened Sootie Limetree as an online store in 2012.

There are no machines involved in the making of Sootie Limetree toys. Gillian would love to say that was because she was taking a moral stance about manufactured goods for kids, but it’s more that she’s not very good at using them, and they make knits go what her Granny called ‘oosie’ (we think that means wavy).

As a result every piece is sewn by hand - each one with love and care. This makes each toy slightly different - each face has it’s own tiny expression, and each one is truly unique.